Thursday, September 12, 2013

Back in Thailand

We arrived back in Thailand on September 2, 2013.  We stayed in Bangkok for 2 nights just to get over jet lag.  We had just survived a 22 hour flight from RDU to
Bangkok via Tokyo.  We flew JAL the Japanese Carrier business class which was
Much more pleasant but still draining.   Our stay in Bangkok was very nice as
We treated ourselves to a 5 star hotel.  Complete with an infinity pool on the 10th
Floor and 3 gourmet restaurants.  Sushi for lunch and duck for dinner.  Tasty!
On the 4th we flew from Bangkok to Krabi, Thailand where we had left our boat
For 4 months on the hard in Krabi Boat Lagoon Marina.
We found the boat in good shape as we had hired a local contractor, Ricardo,
To keep the de-humidifier running on her to protect from mold forming inside
The boat on wood and fabrics.  We decided to stay in a small resort just 8 minutes
Drive from the boat for comfort.  It is Sept. 13 and we are still here.
We have rented a car so are mobile too.  We eat out most nights.  We both are getting
Tired of that though.  We both yearn for some home cooking not just the Thai way.
I have an allergy to to something; Doctor knows not from, and either do I.  Started
This past Sunday with scratching of eyelids to eyes being swollen shut, rash on wrist
And behind left knee, right ear, nose, ugly stuff.  Owners of resort took me to clinic
Hospital and was prescribed eye drops, prednisone, and topical lotion for rash.  Am
Much better now.  Have not been back to Marina where it appears the allergy is
Coming from.  Possibly chemicals from boats being worked on in yard is what I think.
We drove to Pucket yesterday, Thursday, with friends on the boat Infini, Mike and
Sue.  Is about a 3 hour drive from Krabi.  We all enjoyed the trip as was very pretty
Scenery along the way like a National forest with mountains.  We did some shopping,
Ate lunch, met with Chris from the boat "Rumrunner"  then returned to Krabi with
A short stop at a grocery store and dinner at the food court located in the mall.
At these food courts there are many different vendors so you must buy a card from
The cashier with an amount of money you choose on it.  The vendors  run the card
Like a charge after you order your meal and drinks.   The card is good for one year
Or just one day (depends on the mall you are visiting) so we turn in the card to
The cashier each time to get our refund.  We assume food vendors work for the
Malls and that is why they don't handle the money themselves.  Our dinner last
Night was 45bht which amounts to about $1.50US and consisted of roasted chicken
Over rice with soup.  Was a small portion but fine for us.  You can always order more
Or  double the order if you want more.    
We stopped along the road yesterday and purchased a basket made locally.  Very detailed for 120bht or $4.00US.  I will try and include a photo of some of these things
I am speaking of.  I am dying to send out photos of items we find in the grocery stores
Here, so familiar but yet different like Lays potato chips.  Packaging is familiar to us
But lay is spelled lae' and chips are not quite the same as at home.  Different flavors.
One of their favorites is shrimp.  I once several bags of what I thought were plain
Cheetos, I was so thrilled, and found they were cheetos with a chicken flavor.  Not
So good for us.  We gave them to local boat workers.  We do allot of this utill we
Figure out what we like.  Oreos are packaged exactly like home but do not taste like
Our oreos.  More later.

1 comment:

  1. Great to see you are back to blogging. Cannot believe Rumrunner is still in Phuket. We met them there in Dec 2010.
